Thursday, April 3, 2014

Forgive and Heal

Last week I had a once in a life time opportunity fall directly into my lap. It was one that I will never forget.

I had the opportunity to visit Grace College and hear a Holocaust survivor tell her story. It was by far on of the most humbling experiences of my life. I was invited to go hear her on a Friday, read this survivor's book on a Sunday, and went to hear her presentation on Tuesday. I was beyond excited to go and see her (hopefully meet her).

Eva Mozes Kor was only 10 years old when she was placed in Auschwitz. While everyone else around her was heading for certain death, she managed to will herself and her twin sister through countless disturbing experiments and exercises during their captivity. Eva and her twin sister were under the supervision of Josef "The Angel of Death" Mengele.

In short here is her story...
After just a few weeks, Eva and her family were packed into a cattle car and transported to the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp. After 70 hours without food or water, Eva and her family stepped onto the selection platform at Auschwitz.

After just a few minutes, Eva and her twin sister were separated from her father and two older sisters. She would never see them again. Soon after, the girls were approached by an officer yelling, "Twins! Twins!" When her mother said that Eva and her sister Miriam were indeed twins, they were taken from their mother, whom they also never saw again.

Eva and Miriam became part of a group of children used as human guinea pigs in experiments under the direction of Dr. Josef Mengele. Approximately 1500 sets of twins were subjected to these experiments, and most died as a result. Evan Eva herself became deathly ill. Mengele would give one twin up to five shots every other day of various illnesses and drugs. He would then measure the effects compared to the healthy twin. Eva was so sick she was near death, but she lived and helped Miriam survive.

Approximately 200 children were found alive by the Soviet Army after the liberation of the camp on January 27, 1945. Eva and Miriam Mozes were among them. After everything that had happened to her, exactly fifty years to the day of the camp's liberation, Eva Mozes Kor publicly forgave Mengele and all Nazis for their crimes. She was actually at a document signing at Auschwitz when she made her public statement of forgiveness. How could anyone forgive those cruel individuals? How could she forgive those who stripped her of her family and her innocent childhood? This concept is mind blowing to me!

Eva describes the power she now had over her perpetrators. She had the amazing power to forgive. Her power was not one that harmed another or gave someone else something of value. Eva's power to forgive the Nazis was her way to heal herself from the nightmares of her haunted past. She said that an incredible weight of suffering was lifted and she felt strong. Offering her forgiveness (to those whom did not deserve such grace) healed Eva, but it did not mean she would forget.

She will forgive and not forget... She will forgive and heal. She isn't healing the pain of others, but she is healing her pain. So powerful. As hard as it to rap my mind around the fact that she has forgiven such cruel individuals, she firmly believes and honestly showed the audience (of 2,500 plus) that she was a thousand times better for it.

If she can forgive the Nazis that systematically killed over six million Jews, why can't I forgive anyone that has trespassed against me?

I will forever be grateful to my cousin Cheryl for inviting me to hear Eva speak. Due to her kindness, I was able to inform my classes about the seminar. I had four students make the half hour drive to Warsaw. I'm not going to lie, the experience was doubled when I saw that I had students there too. All we could talk about the next day in class was Eva Kor and her amazing story.

In the end, I was able to listen to an amazing 80 year old Holocaust survivor and gain a completely new view on life. I also had the honor to meet her. After standing in line with my cousin, we were able to get our books signed. When she signed it, she wrote nice and big, "Forgive and Heal". #RiseTalk

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the world of blogging. :) I still get chills when I think about listening to Eva speak. She is the definition for forgiveness. I am so glad you went with me, it was nice to share the experience with someone equally invested into something so astounding and historical. I know I won't forget her words and strength. I am guessing there are about 2,500 more people still carrying her words today. Once in a lifetime without a doubt.
